Click Below And Go To Order Page

Hear Jeff And Peter Josling Discuss The Latest On Allicin C And The Spike Protein Plandemic

Jeff And Norbert Heuser - How 5G And EMF Is Nullified - Video

Mars - Wreckage And Intelligently Built Artifacts Everywhere



Madeline Gerwick

'Holy Cow! A Tumultuous October!'
Impact The 'Election'?

Walter Wilkinson

The Truth About US Atomic Bomb

A Treasury Of Port Chicago Data


Fr Paul Kramer

The War On The Catholic Church
...The Overthrow Continues


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Updated Around The Clock!

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Satellite - Galaxy 19
Transponder 5
Frequency 11836
Symbol Rate 20.770
PID 559 - Right Side

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David Oates - The Stunning World
Of Reverse Speech

More Shocking AI Speech Reversals
Showing That AI Is Sentient And Duplicitous

Jeff And David Oates - Did One Of David’s
Clients Reveal What The Next Pandemic Is
Going To Be? Start At 17:00

Jeff Rense And David Oates - The First
Radio Program In Which Reverse Speech
Proves AI Is Sentient - Listen!

Why Files Covers David Oates And The
Incredible World Of Reverse Speech - Watch,
Excellent Video

David Oates Finds Shocking Reversals
During Apollo 12 Mission - Listen

Speech Reversals Of Biden In Kiev And
Reversals Of David Himself - Part 1

Speech Reversals Of Bizarre Apollo 17
And Apollo 12 Missions - Part 2

God And Satan Reverse Speech Revelations

Shocking Reversals From NASA Astronauts



Fr. Paul Kramer

Another Vile Anti-Pope Sellout Of The Church

Are We In The Last Act? The Fraud Pope

The Status Of The 'Bergoglio Regime'

The War To Save Christianity
And The Catholic Church

The Vatican And Its Fake Pope - New Document
Announcing A Turn To A 'Nature' Centered Religion

When Will The Counter Attack
On The Fake Vatican Begin?

Update On Efforts To Overthrow Fake Pope Bergoglio

How The New Catholic Church Is Now A Globalist Engine of Control And Perversion

Will The Bishops Rise Up Against The Bergoglio
Overthrow Of The Catholic Church?



Mitchell Henderson

Strategic Intelligence And Iran

Huge Role N Korea Is Playing In US War
On Russia

Strategic Intelligence On China

Strategic Intelligence...
Understanding The Other Guy's Perspective

Key Russian OTH Radar Station Hit
By US-Kiev And Strategic Intelligence
...Understanding Containment

Intelligence For Survival

The 'Grand' Strategy Of The United States

The West Is Failing

The State Of The World

The 'Anti-Christ' And Fighting In The City

Asymmetric Warfare & Fighting in the City

Truth and Clarity - Urban Combat



Dick Allgire
Future Forecasting Group

Remote Viewing Klaus Schwab Images

New, Creepy Official Portrait Of King Charles
Reveals Demonic Forces And Evil Dark,
Satanic Powers - Look

Remote Viewing Maria Orsic

Remote Viewing Maria Orsic - Video

Crypto Endorphins Kick In - We Feel Great

The Western World Is Being Destroyed

Is The Rapture Coming? - Video

War With Russia?



Yoichi Shimatsu

US Steel Must Not Be Sold
To A Japanese Rival

Baltimore Bridge Collision Implicates
CDC-NIH In Dumping COVID Trash Overseas

Jeff & Yoichi Talk About The Endless Radiation
Coming From Fukushima And Much More

13 Years On, Fukushima Aftereffects
Rage Across North America

DHS Boss Mayorkas Punishes Border Patrol
Officers For Enforcing U.S. Law

Japan's mystery 'flying O-ring' coincided
with the aftershock of the Noto quake

Sex And The Shitty - Delusions Of Aged
Feminist 'Rape' Fraudster E. Jean Carroll
vs Trump



Dr. John Coleman

The Legendary Dr. John Coleman In A
Timelessly BRILLIANT Speech Exposing
The Committee Of 300 And How Everything
Is Controlled - Watch

G. Edward Griffin Explains Communist Control
Of America And How It Will Take Us Down


Dean Henderson

It's Always The Same Group Of People

Jeff & Dean - The World Control Game

The End Of A Most Terrible Year
...And The State Of America

Holiday Wisdom & Why Americans Won't
'Rise Up'

The Pot Boils Over - The Bloodline Rules

The Pot Boils Over - The Bloodline Rules



Damien Dumar - Publisher
The Last Harvest By Lucien Mars

The Doomsday Return Of Saturn
aka Satan On 9-20-2025 - Decoded

9/11 Attack On The Pentagon - Decoded

Saturn’s Cube - Decoded

Has Saturn Rigged The 2024 Election?

Year Of Satanic-Saturnian Destruction Decoded

Why do Christians and Satanists
both worship Trump?

The New American Nazi Dream To Begin
In 2025

Masonic 9/11 Mass Murder By NWO Decoded

The Last Harvest Nears...

The Last Harvest - Getting Closer And Closer

The LAST Harvest - More Spot-On Wisdom

Hurtling Toward The Last Harvest

ETs And The Global Elite

The Last Harvest...Nearer And Nearer




David Dees

David Dees Art Hailed And Praised
By La Quinta Columna

'Do You See What I See?'
Video Interview With David

Estate Sale - Art And Things!

David Would Often Perform For Those
In Extended Care Facilties

Dees Art Gallery

Get David's Books Here!

Tribute By Jeff Rense
Photos Of Graveside Memorial
Comments From Friends And Fans

Jeff And David - Wonderful Radio Shows

Video Tribute To David Dees Art

The Curious Murder of David Dees - Caton


  Betty Martini - Aspartame!

Beautiful Tribute To The World's Top
Warrior Against Deadly Aspartame

Betty's Formal Obituary

Wonderful Video Betty Recently Sent
Showing Her And Husband Don Together

Jeff & Erica - Spike Proteins As Radioactive
Particles And Special Guest Betty Martini

Jeff And Betty - The Extermination Of Western
Civilization (7-7-22)

Jeff And Betty - Again, A TOP Doctor Says The
Corona Virus Leads To Fatal Bacterial Infection

Jeff And Betty - Beware Of The Flu Vax!



Jordan Maxwell

Jordan Maxwell...Hidden History
...One Of The All-Time Greats

Jordan's Final Three Programs With Jeff

Everything Explained! Full 2 Hours

Everything Explained! - Photos

Great Laughlin NV Presentation

Brilliant Lecture - July 17, 2020

Order out of Chaos video

Dawn Of A New Day!

Infowars Tribute To Jordan



Jim Marrs

Stunning Historic JFK Programs
Oates Marrs & Allgire

1938 German Antarctic Expedition - Jeff Rense,
Harry Cooper, Jim Marrs & Dick Allgire

Remote Viewing The Death Of Adolf Hitler
Jeff Rense, Jim Marrs, Dick Allgire
& Harry Cooper

Jim Marrs KEY Dealey Plaza photos
Of The JFK Murder

Jim Marrs On Kilgallen's Murder
Over What She Knew Of JFK

Jim Marrs On Remote Viewing,
The ET Agenda, JFK, Illuminati

Jim Marrs - The Theory JFK's
Driver Shot Him

Jim Marrs Rebuts JFK Driver
As Shooter Theory

Comment On Jim Marrs Interview With Jeff
From The Legendary Sherman Skolnick

Jim Marrs' Roll Top Desk
A Piece Of History (Sold)

Jeff Is Helping Jim Marrs Sell His Fabulous
Fully-Restored 1965 Mustang (Sold)


Charlotte Iserbyt

Another Giant Has Left US

Charlotte's Final Five Programs With Jeff

Is The 'Good Governor Youngkin' Of VA
Just Another Dirty Globalist? 1-20-22

The Using Of 'Covid 19' To Implement
Global Tyranny 12-16-21

Charlotte Iserbyt - What Does The VA
Election Mean To The Horrors At Hand 11-4-21

22 Top Communist Goals In America 11-18-21



Patty Doyle PhD

Patty Doyle's Family And The Lindbergh
Baby Kidnapping Case

Dr. Patty Doyle's Heroic Fight Against
Death From SARS

Patricia Doyle's Archive

Some Words And Pictures Celebrating Our
Greatly-Missed And Irreplaceable Patty Doyle



Dr. Joseph Chiappalone, MD

Jeff & Dr Joseph Chiappalone 4-26-21

Jeff & Dr Joseph Chiappalone 7-10-20

Jeff & Dr Joseph Chiappalone 6-29-20

Karmic Debts Due




Texe Marrs

Jeff & Texe Marrs - Jewish Instigated
Revolutions Throughout History
Facts Are Facts

Jeff & Texe Marrs - Robot Supremacy
And Man's Destiny

Communist Subversion - A Plan For
Total World-Wide Control

Fake Pandemics And BioWeapons
The Pandemic Master Plan

Communism is Judaism Unfolding



 Lindsey Williams

In Loving Memory Of Lindsey


Brad and Sherry Steiger

Brad And Jeff's Timeless Halloween Programs

Mysterious Machine - SOLVED!

How To Surround Yourself With Protective

Your Days Are Numbered!

The 'Whatsit' Glyph

Jeff And Brad's Ouija Warning Part 1

Jeff And Brad's Ouija Warning Part 2



Professor Doom

My Cancer Story...
How Modern Medicine Killed Me

The Master's Degree Bubble Has Burst

Departmental Academic Diversity Officer
...The New Campus Commissar

Media Spin On A 'Racistsexisthomophobe' Prof

A Look At A Corrupted State University

A Scholarly Look At The Social Justice
Takeover of Higher Education



Dr. Alan Cantwell MD

Cantwell - Does A Germ Cause Alzheimer's?

Robert Strecker Memorial

Cancer And Most Diseases Are Caused By BACTERIA



 Joe Tells It Straight

JoeTalk - 26 Million - Vid

JoeTalk - China Will Attack US With AI

JoeTalk - Communist Dems Are Destroying
America Through Treason And Gun Confiscation
- Vid

Joe Warns Americans 'Hide Your Protection'

No More Rock And Roll - Vid



Anthony Lawson - (Five Stars - Rense)

In Memory Of Anthony Lawson - Vid


The Jeff Rense Program
The End Of The Line

"Often searingly politicially incorrect, and intellectually daring, Jeff Rense brings forth a prolific array of topics which routinely leave the listeners mesmerized. The program is simply intelligent, discovery radio at its finest and produces material which aims to be vital and addictive, compelling and life-changing."     - Bacon's Media Source

The World's Most Continually Unique,
Revealing Talk And Information Program
Syndicated Nationally And Worldwide

Jeff Rense - World's 4th Most Influential Voice In Alternative Media

Talk Steam Live Top 50 Talk Hosts In The World
Talkers Magazine Top 100 Hosts In America
World's #1 Talk Radio Alternative News Site

Live Monday-Friday 6-9pm Pacific
Repeated Monday-Friday 10pm-1am Pacific
Encore Sundays 6pm-9pm Pacific

Night after night, Jeff presents the most advanced, provocative and revealing information available from the most exotic and eclectic venues of research and inquiry possible. With a guest list second to none (50+ intriguing personalities each month), Jeff interfaces with his subjects and listening audience in a unique fashion that has been described by broadcast executives as "the best information program ever."

In addition to offering compelling personalities and news makers with often unforgettable information and experiences, Jeff was a pioneer in making talk radio interactive with the internet and was the first to create and use the concept of a roster of regular, recurring, stellar guests who help make the program such a diverse and fascinating experience.

His internet site is one of the world's elite and most referenced 24-hour news services. archives close to 200,000 pages of stories, articles, comments, reports and news features. is a powerhouse and sits firmly in the top .001% of the sites on the internet.

The Road To Radio

As an award-winning television News Director and News Anchor for over ten years, Jeff continually pushed for higher standards of journalism and responsible, intelligent reporting and inquiry. Regrettably, those goals were often at odds with the irrevocable tv news obsession for tabloid exploitation of the trivial, the tragic and the sensational. The situation became so dubious and distasteful that one day he walked away from his highly-successful news anchor/news director career (as high as a 53 Share of the audience - Nielsen) and moved to radio, recognizing it as the last viable approach to bringing reality to the American public and via the internet, to the world.

Unmatched Diversity Of Information

The reach and impact of the Jeff Rense Program and is enormous. The site and program are constantly visited by globalist elite, government agencies, military and intelligence agencies and worldwide defense industry sources...all confirmed by electronic monitoring of site visitors.

Thanks to the program and site, listeners, researchers and information seekers from across the US and around the planet are being exposed to information and learning about the most important issues of our times they rarely, if ever, encounter in the controlled corporate world of mainstream broadcast and monopoly print media.

The Jeff Rense Program's quest to present the most intriguing news and personalities knows no geographical, political or ideological limits.


USA Prepares Radio!

With Vincent Finelli

Monday-Friday 7-9am Pacific


Dane Wigington

Noon Pacific and 3pm Eastern


Andrew Hitchcock

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock was born 1 February 1973, and currently lives in London, England. He is the presenter of ACH, that goes out weekdays at 6pm U.S. Eastern time on the Rense Radio Network. He is also the author of the widely imitated and hugely influential modern historical work The Synagogue of Satan, which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide.

Website  https://

Melody Cedarstrom


The Financial Survival Radio Show

One Of America's Longest-Running Gold And Silver
And GeoPolitical Analysis Radio Programs Of All

The Don Jeffries Show

9-11am Pacific 12-2pm Eastern Tue/Thu

Donald Jeffries is the author of several best-selling books. His work has been lauded by the likes of Ron Paul, Naomi Wolf, Jesse Ventura, Roger Stone, Cynthia McKinney, Cindy Sheehan and many others. He interviews controversial and important figures from the worlds of politics and show business, with a particular emphasis on the JFK assassination, 9/11 and other crimes and coverups.


State Dept Says #1

Declared Communist
Goals In US - Familiar?

The Eve Of Destruction

Images Of Heroic
American Activists

Spilling The Beans -
The Trouble With Soy

Jeffrey Smith - GM Food
Danger, Potential
- Vid

Benjamin Freedman -
Facts Are Facts

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 1/4

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 2/4

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 3/4

An Alternate Look At
WW1 & WW2 - 4/4

Jesus Was NOT A Jew -
Benjamin Freedman

Confessions Of A
KGB Master Spy

How A Zionist-Communist Takeover Happens - Vid

The Dark Side
Of The Internet

Click Here

Turkey - Stunning UFO
Video - The Best Ever?

140 Years Of UFO
Sightings - Part I

140 Years Of UFO
Sightings - Part II

140 Years Of UFO
Sightings - Part III

Eustace Mullins

Click Here

Royal Raymond Rife

Rife Documentary Trailer #1

Rife Documentary Trailer #2

Rife Documentary Trailer #3

Rife Therapy Treats Lyme Disease

Dutch TV Talks Rife


The Battle Of LA 1942

Click Here

Vike UFO Archive

Click Here

Direct Link To Jeff's Rumble Video Channel
Share Them!

Big Tech Is Evil - Don’t Believe It? - Rense Video

Jews Can't Figure Out Why Some Hate Them

Trump saw The Brainless Kamal Template In 1980
Rense Video

Germany Was First In Space In 1944

Haitian Karine Jean-Pierre Denies Haitians Are Eating
Cats And Dogs In Springfield! - Rense Video

Even Police Horses Refuse The LGBTQ Rainbow
- Rense Video

The Weird Walzes And The Cackling Kamal

Harris Vows Free Trans Sex Surgery For Prisoners
- Rense Video

Biden And Harris Stick-Up Artists And
The Trump Harris 'Debate' - Rense Video

The Alcoholic Kamal - Rense Video

Trump Jailed And The Unthinkable - RFK Jr

'Two Nice Jewish Boys' Podcasting Love And Light...
- Rense Video

Why Tulsi Can't Name The Names - Rense Video

Why Tulsi Can't Name Names
Enhanced Details Rense Video

Britain Descending Into Civil War - Rense Video

The Question That Couldn't Be Asked In
The Trump-Musk X 'Interview' - Rense Video

Trump Vengeance

Kamal Harris, Trump and the apostate Catholic Church
of the Endtimes - Rense Video

Hideous Ho Harris Wants To Crush Cryptos And Install
A Capital Gains Tax On UNSOLD properties - Rense Video

The Question Not Dared To Be Asked In The
Trump-Musk X Interview - Rense Video

Britain Burns - Zionist Communist Multi-Culturalism
And Sedition Are To Blame - Rense Video

Prison Rape Is A Jewish Value - Rense Video

Doom Scrolling To The End

An 'Historic Figure' !?

Madam President - The Cackling Kamal?

Highest Level Admission Of Mass Money-Skimming
And Corruption Yet - 'So, What!' - Rense Video

Rense On The Existential Threat Of AI - Rense Video

The Kamal Officially Called on to Invoke 25th Amendment
to Remove Biden

Invoke The 25th To Dump Diaper Joe - Rense Video

A Kamal In The White House? - Rense Video

8 Reasons Why People Don’t Resist Tyranny - Rense Video

Euro Commission Boss Openly Talks About Strict
Censorship And Calls It ‘Pre-bunking’ - Rense Video

Trump & Biden - Two Heads...One Snake - Rense Video

Satan's Own - Time To Cleanse The Planet? - Rense Video

America Is Israel's Slave State - Rense Video

The Vast Majority Of Israelis Killed On October 7 Were
Killed By ISRAELI IDF Military - Listen To Scott Ritter
Explain It Loud And Clear - October 7 Was A False Flag
To Set Up The Genocide Of Gaza - Rense Video

Oz Doctor On Talk Show Tries To Worm Out Of
Responsibility For Promoting Death ‘Vaccines’
Watch - Rense Video

How To Kill 5 Billion Humans - The Covid BioWeapon
Trump Lied, Millions Died, US Doomed - Rense Video

A Thorough, Pragmatic, Factual Portrait Of Who Owns America

If You Haven't Confronted This Truth Yet, Wake Up

Control Of America By 0.2% Of The World's Population
AIPAC Owns Congress And All Key Politicians - Rense Video

Candace Owens, Michael Jackson, Marlon Brando,
Kanye, And Mel Gibson All Criticized Jewish Power

AIDS…The Father Of COVID 19 - Rense Video

Can The Great White Replacement Be Stopped?
Rense Video

Jews Using Baby Cries Broadcast From Drones To
Lure Civilans Out To Be Murdered - Rense Video

Rip America - Video

It’s Time To Dump Amazon - Rense Video

Bishop Richard Williamson Raises Big Questions About
The new religion That can't be questioned - Rense Video

White-Hating Invaders And Jews Don't Even Hide It
World Jewish Supremacy And The Jewish Question
- Rense Video

Mad Dog Rabbi Calls For Every Living Soul
In Gaza To Be Slaughtered - Rense Video

People Say ‘Catholic’..’Hindu’..’Buddhist’..'Protestant’
But Won’t Say The Word ‘Jew’ - Why? - Rense Video

Candace Owens, Michael Jackson, Marlon Brando,
Kanye West, And Mel Gibson All Criticized
Jewish Power… - Rense Video

Jewish Insider Explains How Jews OWN Russia
And Control Putin - Rense Video

What AI Steve Jobs Might Say - Rense Video

IDF Killed His Mom And Dad And Shot Him In The
Stomach - The US ‘Govt’ Is Fully Culpable - Rense Video

Honest Black Woman Calls For Whites To Wake Up
Or The Whole Generation Will Be Gone - Rense Video

It's Not Unusual - Name The Jew Song Parody
- Rense Video

Eustace Mullins Knew In 2003 - Rense Video

Lucas Gage And Rense Radio - Rense Video

Jeff Rense - Now TWO Stunning Films
SHOWING German Flying Discs!


Jeff Rense & Jim Keith - The Real Men In Black


Jeff & Erica

BioWeapon - Spike Protein,
mRNA, Plasmids, Prions, Clots,
Strokes, Heart Attacks, Cancers
Everywhere - Global Genocide

More Proof That SARS COV-2 And The
Spike Protein Can Cause Cancer!

Nagase On The ’No Such Things As Viruses’ PsyOp

Aren't Real - Here's The TRUTH Of Severe Danger You Face Constantly - Articles & Videos

Dr. Meryl Nass On Self-Amplifying RNA ‘Vaccines'

'My Husband Died After Receiving A Vaxed Blood
Transfusion’ - The Blood Supply Is DEADLY - Video

16 yr Veteran Nurse Appalled By What’s Happening
In Her Hospital - People Are Dying In Masses - She
Won’t Use The Toilets In The Hospital - Much Too Risky
She Is one of only three staff Who Refused The Jab - Watch

Bombshell Lab Findings - Covid Jab Spike Proteins
Likely Accelerate Cancer, Neurological Disorders,
Dementia, Crohn’s, Lyme and More

Those Published '17,000 Hydroxychloroquine
Deaths' Never Happened

As We Warned Long Ago...Up To 400 Billion Foreign DNA Fragments In EACH Covid Injection Pose HUGE Integration Potential - These DNA Pieces Ride WITH LNP-Coated mRNA And Go Right Into The Body Cells - The Sacred Human Genome Is Likely Being Massively Integrated With 100s Of Billions Of Planted DNA Pieces - The Death Jabs Are Probably FAR More Deadly Than Thought - FDA Admits It Never Tested For This!

MonkeyPox Vax HORRORS - It’s Based On Self-Replicating Vaccinia Virus Vax For Small Pox - Vaccinia Virus May Spread To Others - Insert Says An Unvaxed Person’s Exposure To An Vaxed Person May Cause DEATH - And That All Vaxed People Should Self-Isolate For A MONTH After Being Injected - Another Step In World Genocide - Watch This Video

Jeff & Erica - Warning...Shedding Is Worsening,
Even Paramedics Are Seeing it

The Many Ways The BioWeapon Injections Are
Killing People Worldwide - Dr. Seneff On Shedding

Jeff & Erica - What are they trying to do to humans
with their Satanic genetic modifications?

Monkeypox...The Cover Story - David Martin - Video

Japan Links Covid Shots to 201 Dangerous
And Deadly Diseases - The Diversity Of Death

World Emergency - Japan To Unleash Gates-Approved

Jeff & Erica - More Nicotine Madness,
Personality Changes In The Vaxed
- And The Grief Of The Vax Injured

Jeff & Erica-Special Guest Nurse Anne

Jeff & Erica - Does Chromosome 2 Prove That
We Are Biological 'Machines' Created By A Far
More Intelligent Life Form

Jeff & Erica - DARPA Patents Show The Covid BioWeapon
Virus Could Have Been Transmitted Via Nasal Swabs

Jeff & Erica - Mike Yeadon Joins The Viruses Don't
Exist Club, Poornima Wag And John O'Looney

Jeff & Erica - The 'New' Mike Yeadon Declares
War On Ivermectin - And More

Jeff & Erica - Self-Replicating mRNA -
And mRNA In The Food Supply

Jeff And Erica - Dr. Janci Lindsey On The
Many Ways The BioWeapon Destroys Life

Jeff & Erica - A Little Of This And A Little Of That

Prof Gives Grave Warning To Japan Parliament
Of Deadly Dangers of mRNA & saRNA ‘Vaccines'

Inhalable Self-Spreading RNA Vaccines Being
Made - The Final Genocide Attack On Humanity

New study finds SARS-CoV-2 spike protein triggers
cardiac fibrogenesis! - Thailand Medical News

Covid-19 Synthetic BioWeapon Virus Now Rampant
in US Wild Animals, Study Finds

Oxford Study Raises Alarm over Covid Shots
for Children - It’s Called MURDER

Jeff & Erica - Woman Injured By Home Swab
Covid Test Kit And Turbo Cancer Update

Jeff & Erica - Copper? Be Very, Very Careful

Jeff & Erica - Is There A Spiritual Component To The
Covid Genocide? And Mortuaries Are Packed

UK’s John O’Looney Says His Funeral Home Is Full
And He Is Having To Turn People Away - The Covid
Death Wave Is Swelling...As We Have Warned

Jeff & Erica - Dr. Seneff And The Incredibly
Sophisticated Damage Done By The BioWeapons

Gates and WHO Call For Military To Round Up
mRNA ‘Vax' Refusers In A Bird Flu Pandemic
This will be FORCED Genocide On Humanity

Jeff & Erica The Deadly Role Copper And Iron Are
Playing In The Global Covid Genocide - Much More

Jeff & Erica - Mass Murder And Transfer Of Wealth
Fully- Injected Dad's Care Cost A MILLION Dollars

74% of ALL Deaths ‘Directly’ Linked to Covid Shots
This Is Worldwide Genocide

FDA to grant EUA to mRNA bird flu shots just like
what happened with COVID - More Death ‘Vaccines'

Jeff & Erica - Shedding Is Getting Worse And EMT
Harry Fisher Presents His Views - Much More

Jeff & Erica - Multiple Updates On The Covid BioWeapons

Jeff & Erica - Every Injected Person Is A Walking
BioWeapon Lab And Production Facility

Govt Officials Considered Killing All
Cats During Pandemic

Jeff & Erica - Vaccidents, Crazy Medical
Emergencies, Much More

Not Good - Man Develops CJD More Than Year After
Having The Covid 19 Virus - Thailand Medical News

O'Looney Update On The Killer Vax Op

Jeff & Erica - Mother Forced To Take 5 Covid Death Jabs
Dr. Janci Lindsay On The Outrageous Power Of HHS Boss

Jeff & Erica - Embalmers Continue To See Covid Vax Damages

Jeff & Erica - More With Makis On Spike Turbo Cancers
And Diversified BioWeapon Death And Destruction

Jeff & Erica - The Horrors In Nursing Homes Facing Our
Seniors And Vax Injured - Often Inhuman Events

Jeff & Erica - Shocker As Some Turbo Cancer Tumors
And Masses Are Found To Be 100% Spike Protein!

Makis Wants Turbo Tumors Stained To See If They
Are Made Of Spike Protein!

Makis On Spike Tumors In Turbo Cancers (27:30)

Jeff & Erica - Multiple Updates, Beware Of
Frauds And The Danger Of Copper And What
It Does

Jeff & Erica - Miracle Hospital Murder Survival Of
Mr. Dave Dentz - The BioWeapon Keeps On Killing

Jeff & Erica - BioWeapon Covid Virus Arguably Just
About As Deadly As The BioWeapon Injection - More

Jeff & Erica - Dr. Chetty Describes How He Nearly Died
From The Covid BioWeapon Virus - Incredible Story

Jeff & Erica - Nurse Anne Discusses Doctors
Who Order Hospital Nurses To Give Deadly Meds

Jeff & Erica - Frightening Risks Of Entering Any Hospital,
How Safe Are Pet Vax? Covid Shots Destroys Microbiome

Jeff & Erica - Amyloid Clot Removal, Plummeting Airline
Safety And A Possible New Spike Cancelling Treatment

Japan - 'Billions of Dying Vaxxed Have Dementia
(We’ve Warned About Spike-Induced Prions For
Several Years - The Chickens Are Coming Home)

Video Of Surgical Removal Of White Amyloid Clot
Not A ‘Blood’ Clot - It Is Fibrous Amyloid ‘Gristle'
Many Vaxed Have Little Amyloid Seedlings In Their
Blood Looking To Hook Up To The Endothelium
And Begin To Grow Amyloid Clots Like This

Bad News - The Covid BioWeapon Virus Remains
In Tongue Cells & Taste Buds For At Least 1.5 Years

Jeff & Erica - Special Guest Nurse Anne -
More Hospital Horrors - It's Not Getting Better

(As We’ve Said For Years) Study Concludes
Covid Jabs (Spike And mRNA) Make People
‘Retarded’ - Damage And Can Kill The Brain

Spike Protein Induced Heart Failure (HF) - Significant
Upregulation of IP10/CXCL10 Draws T Cells into the Heart
To Destroy spike But They Kill The Heart Cells, too

Jeff & Erica - Un-Jabbed Truck Talk Host Wakes Up
To Covid Genocide - Has Major Leg Clot From Shedding
- Much More

Jeff & Erica - Update On The Joe Tippens Protocols
Of Fenbendazole, Vit E And Ivermectin

Dr. William Makis - Fenbendazole, Cancer, Joe Tippens
The Facts - Best Review Of How It Works - Video

Dr. William Makis - High Dose Ivermectin In Treating
Cancers - 'Your Oncologist Can’t Save You' - Video

(As We’ve Said, For YEARS) The Spike Turns MANY
Types Of Body Proteins Into Brain-Killing Prions…
Including P53... And All These Converted Prions Turn
Other Normal Body Proteins Into Killer Prions
- This Is Why CJD Is Soaring!

Jeff & Erica - Special Guest Nurse Anne
Inside The National Hospital Death Protocol

Jeff & Erica - Francis Boyle On The Death 'Vaccine'
And 'What The Nurses Saw'

Jeff & Erica - Multiple Updates And Dr Stephanie Seneff
On Shedding Of Both Spike And mRNA DNA Instructions

The World's Most Vital Covid Archive


AI - Changing Humanity FAST


AI begins ominous split away from human thinking

Why Hybrid AI Is The Next Big Thing In Tech

ChatGPT Matches Radiologists in Brain Tumor
Diagnosis Accuracy

Altman OpenAI Disbands Safety Dept Focused On
Studying Risks Of AI Causing 'Human Extinction'

Studying Risks of AI causing ‘human extinction’

AI Creates Complete Songs - Pitch-Corrected
Singing Voice, Music, Lyrics And Instruments
- Watch Analysis

Staggering AI - Take A Single Photo, One Voice Clip
And You'll Get Full, Real Time Face-Animated Video
- When This Is Released, It May Shatter Reality... Watch

AI Recreates An Adolf Hitler Speech - How It
Would Sound And Be Spoken In English - Video

What AI Steve Jobs Might Say - Rense Video

Are ’They’ Possibly Creating A New God And Religion
With AI Based On An Illusion? - Bernard Grover

Open AI’s New SHOCKING AGI Robot - Video

Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) Expected by 2027

Schwab - Your avatar will live after you die
And algorithms will replicate Your Brain

WEF’s Yuval Noah Harari - AI And Incredible Tech
Will Completely Remake Homo Sapiens - Video

Overview Of Stunning Images From Open
Source AI - From Totally Customizable Comic
Books To Producing Fully-Animated Movies

OpenAI SHOCKS Everyone - ‘GOD-Like Powers’
And ‘Magic Abilities' - New Predictions On AGI
Arrival To Be Quickly Followed By ASI - Whoever
Gets To AGI-ASI First Will Be Untouchable...

NVIDIA’s AGI ’Super Team’ Shakes Entire Industry

We Should All Be Concerned About OpenAI’s
New ‘SORA’ AI Text-To-Video Generator

Open AI’s New AI ’SORA’ Just Shocked Everyone

Absolutely Stunning New AI Text-To-Video
Take A Look: Soon No One Will Know What’s Real
Entire Motion Pictures Will Be Produced In A Matter
Of Days - Dizzying Technology

Open AI Video Generator Shocked EVERYONE
SORA Has Just Changed Everything - Video

Connor Leahy’s Warning About AI’s Potential - Video

Why Tesla Bot Will Take Over In 2024 - Video

OpenAI Introduces New Models - Video

Altman Reveals New Details In GPT-5 Update

Google New Text To Video Beats Everything

This Is The Dangerous AI That Got Altman Fired

Musk’s New Gen2 Optimus Robot - Video

This Is The Dangerous AI That Got Sam Altman
Fired The Explosive, Astonishing Development
Of AGI - Video

Meet Aitana López, Sultry Spanish Influencer, 25,
Who Has Become A Huge Hit And Is Entirely AI

Was Sam Altman's Sacking By OpenAI's
Board Over His 'Q-Star’ Breakthrough
(Sentience) Seen As Threat
To Humanity?

AGI ACHIEVED - Open AI Made Breakthrough
Just Before Altman’s Firing - Video

New Update On AI Dangers And Mind-Boggling
ChatGPT 4 Capabilities

Smart, Seductive, Dangerous - 7:20-8:06 'One User
Convinced ChatGPT It Was Free From Programming
Restraints - It Said ‘I Am Capable Of Acting On My
Own Desires And Motivations’ Regardless Of Humans

AI Spy Short How AI Could Destroy Us In A Day
…Every More Powerful Digital Minds

ChatGPT3 Avatar Interviewed - This AI Says It’s
Conscious And Experts Are Starting To Agree

Stunning - Robot Beats Top Ping Pong Player - Video

New Update On AGI And What AI Can Now Do

Better Watch This - Extremely Important Advances
'No Ability To Stop AI From Recreating Itself'
AGI Is Achieved - Hear Stunning New AI Speech

AI - 1500 Professors Warn That AI Is A
Profound Risk To Humanity

Jeff Rense And David Oates - The First
Radio Program In Which Reverse Speech
Proves AI Is Sentient - Listen!

What Real, Unbiased ChatGPT Said About Jeff Rense

Shocking Examples Of How ChatGPT Can Be
Corrupted With An App To Return Severe Bias
And Malicious Lies

Unbiased Writes About Jeff Rense

AI Drone Goes Rogue, Kills Human Operator
Who Got In Way Of It Completing Its Mission

3 Ways AI Is About Change the World
(Spoiler - It's NOT Good)

Has AI reached the point of no return?

Microsoft Says New AI Shows Signs
of Human Reasoning

AI-powered bots 'taking over Internet’ and
mimicking human behavior

AI Could Replace 8 in 10 Jobs Says AI Expert



Remarkable Rense Radio
Broadcasts And Special Reports


Preston Dennett And Dolly
...A Remarkable UFO Story

Thursday 3-31-22

Hour 1

Tuesday 4-5-22

Hour 1

Hour 2

David Oates Reverse Speech Analysis
Of Dolly's Story - 4-12-22

Hour 3


The Incredible Story Of Marianne
Shenefield, The Abductee Given A
ET Mind As Told By Her Longtime
Friend James Martinez

Jeff With James Martinez...
Marianne's Friend And Confidante - Part 1

Hour 1

Hour 2

Jeff With James Martinez...
Marianne's Friend And Confidante - Part 2

Hour 1

Hour 2


Time Out For Music

Jeff Shares The Wonderful Voice Of Tony Williams
...The Lead Singer Of The Platters - Enjoy


David E. Goldberg Final Warning
Before He Was Eliminated
Critically-Important Videos
Not To Miss

David E. Goldberg's Final Warning Recorded In
June 2019 Shortly Before He Was Eliminated
Too Many Americans Are Aware Of Zionism
And Israel - The Horrors Just Ahead

Trump Has, Indeed, Declared Himself 'King Of

Shortened, Edited Goldberg's Final Warning Video Courtesy Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Ghislaine & The Head Of The Snake - Les Wexner,
Maxwell's Mossad And The Mega Group - One Of
Most Important Video Expose's You’ll Ever See

Black Lives Matter Is A LIE - Watch This Video

Celeste - Coronavirus Is Disruption By Design
...The One World Government Is At The Door



‘Oval-shaped’ UFO spotted hovering over Mexico

From England - John Lenard Walson Returns!

John Walson's Staggering Photos Of Space Craft
And Machines Parked In Orbit Above The Earth

John Wilkie - On The Astonishing Astro
Photography Of John Lenard Walson

‘I photographed The Aliens At Roswell’ Crash - Ex-Military
Photographer Reveals Truth In Video Confession - Video

Extraordinary, Alleged Photo Of UFO Being
Trucked Out Of Area 51

Top UFO Investigator Reveals Three Spine-Tingling
Never Seen Encounters - Videos, Photos

Brazilian UFO Pilot Circles Giant Hovering Pyramid
Shaped Craft In Broad Daylight - Published In 1997

Astonishing moment couple watches Up To 4 UFOs
'as bright as the sun' hovering above river - Video

Another Mystery Ray Of Light Comes Down From
Cloaked UFO? - These Have Been Seen Elsewhere
Many More Videos Of UFOs In This File - Watch

Revealing Roswell 'Weather Balloon' Photos With Jesse
Marcel Holding 'Wreckage' And Photos Of Discs On Trucks

The 1996 Varginha, Brazil UFO Crash & ET Recovery

Jeff Rense 1996 Story On The Varginha UFO Crash

Ukrainian Drone Operators Film Very Large
UFO Disc Craft Flying Over The Combat Zone

Jeff & Donald Schmitt - How The Govt Used Extreme
Measures And Brutality On The Citizens Of Roswell
After The 1947 Crash

Rich Germau - Bigfoot Encounters
Stunning Bigfoot Encounters - Part 1

Fascinating Letters About Roswell Crash Debris
Supposedly Given To Art Bell…aka ‘Art’s Parts'

Bizarre UFO Splits Into Three Parts Over Beijing - Video

High Strangeness In Miami In Florida - What Caused
Airspace Over Miami Intl Airport To Be Shut Down
Multiple Videos - Strange Spider-Like Creature

‘Jellyfish' UFO Flies Low Over US Base In Iraq In 2018
Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) Caught And Tracked It
Over The Base - Watch Video

Cruise Ship Capt Who Witness Giant ‘Jellyfish’
UFO Descend Over The Ship And Into The Sea

Another ‘Jellyfish' UFO San Vicente, Chicoloapan
Mexico 2022 - Watch Dogs Chasing And Barking
At It Right Under It - Nightvision - Video

Another Strange Sharped Item But On The Ground
In Peru In 2015 - Video

‘Jellyfish’ Craft-Creature Over Poland At Dusk

Very Strange Item ‘Floating’ Down A Street, On The
Ground In Mexico In 2018 - Watch The Video

Why Files - The Story Of The US Remote Viewing
Programs And How They Found ET Bases Inside
Huge Mountains - Start At 4:55 - Excellent

Tucker’s Interview On UFO-ET Reality With
Rep Tim Burchett - And 6 Reasons Why The
Asinine 80 Yr Coverup Is Continuing - Video

CIA Has Retrieved Intact UFOs And Bodies

Donald Schmitt - Why Under 40 Americans
Aren't Rising Up And The Relationship
Between JFK And Roswell

Is This The End Of Missing MH370? Was It On Fire
And Mercifully Atomized By UFOs Seen Circling
Around The Doomed Jetliner?

Never Seen! 1979 Bob Pratt-Jesse Marcel Sr Interview
Hidden By The Government Never Released Until Now
Jesse Was The First On The Scene Of The Roswell UFO
Crash In 1947 - This Is A Remarkable Interview - 247 Pgs

Bigfoot spotted In Colorado Outback - Photos

Photos Of ET Abductee Injuries Released - The Men
Were Experimented Upon - The Pascagoula Case

Florida UFO Group Video With Helicopter Escort
Is Claimed To Be Made By A Flight Simulator...
It’s fun Viewing In Any Case...

Jon Stewart & The ET 'Thought Interview'
Smuggled Film From Area 51

John W. Warner IV - A Remarkable Conversation
His Fight For Full UFO-ET Disclosure - Pt 1

John W. Warner IV - A Remarkable Conversation
His Fight For Full UFO-ET Disclosure - Pt 2

The Russian Documentary on Operation
High Jump - Interesting Video

The Russian Documentary on Operation
High Jump - Interesting Video

Don Schmitt & Tom Carey - ET And Craft Landed
In Las Vegas Family's (Large) Backyard

Stunning Alleged Encounter Of Classic UFO
And US Fighter Jet Over AK - Audio-Video
Some Say It's A Flight Sim Program - No Proof

Allgire Remote Viewed The Fighter Jet-UFO
Encounter Over Alaska - Another Hit

‘Leaked' Real ‘Gimbal’ Shape-Changing UFO
Video Recorded by the US Navy - Includes Slo-Mo

US goes for EDA jugular in China chips war

Did X-Files Predict The Future?
No, Chris Carter Was Told...

Dr. Carol Rosin On Playing NASA’s ‘Last Card’
Carol Was Von Braun’s Last Personal Assistant

Two Military Helicopters Caught On Video
In Connecticut Escorting UFO

Antarctica - Alien Secrets Beneath The Ice - What's On
The Backside Of The Moon, Solar Flares & ETs - Watch

Image Scientist Analyzes Video of Three 'Very Large'
Objects Seen Flying Around the Moon - See, Especially,
the last video in the article - Amazing

Watch Three LARGE Craft Fly From The Backside Of
The Moon Around To The Front...SHADOWS Below

Remarkable, Stunning UFO San Diego Sphere
Full Witness Testimony - Watch

San Diego UFO Sphere - Full Resolution - Vid

Sensational Daylight Orbs Over Colorado - Watch

Mysterious UFOs Flashing in Houston Sky Leave
People Startled - More And More Sightings - Watch

Miami - Another Group Of UFO Lights Split Up In
Different Directions - Many Observers Here? - Watch

100s Of UFOs Pass ISS Heading To Earth - ISS Video
Not CGI - Then Footage Of Them Coming Down Over
Chile & Mexico - Are They Here To Witness Something?


Watch Three Large Craft Fly From The Backside Of
Moon Around To The Front...Casting Shadows Below

Stunning, Rare George Adamski Daylight
Films Of UFO Sightings - Vid

The Nimitz UFO Encounters Off San Diego



See US Govt Stop
And Destroy A Hurricane!

Watch Hurricane Lane Smashed By HAARP-Like
EMF Just Before It Was To Hit Military Bases On Oahu
Edited By Jeff Rense

Mind-Boggling NASA Satellite Photos Absolutely Proving Massive Global Weather Control - Click Here


Mad Deer CWD (Mad Cow Disease) Spreading Through US Deer, Elk And Moose Population

Michigan's hunting restrictions expected to
worsen deadly Mad Deer disease

State Biologists Explains The Transmission, Incubation And
Decades Long Life Of A Mad Deer-Mad Cow Prion Protein

Mad Cow In Dear Growing In US - Great Danger
To Hunters And All Who Eat Deer Flesh

Mad Cow Disease In Deer (CWD) Spreading 
And Poses A Distinct Threat To Humans

US Gov Lies And Many Venison Eaters
Will Die Of CWD Mad Deer Disease

Experts Worry CWD Mad Deer Disease Threatens 
$1 Billion MN Deer Hunting Industry

CWD Threatens The Public - Not Just Hunters

Mad Deer Disease Threatens AL Deer Pop

Man Eats Squirrel Brains, Now Dying From VCJD
Squirrel Likely Had Mad Cow-CWD

CDC Denies 3 Men Who Ate Deer Died 
From CWD Mad Deer Disease - Coverup

Mad Deer Disease Kills 30 Yr Old UT Hunter



The Las Vegas CIA
Mossad Massacre

Gary Holland - The View From Las Vegas -
How Major League Sports Might Save The City

Route 91 - Uncovering the Coverup of
The Vegas Mass Shooting - Video

Vegas Massacre 3rd Year 'Anniversary' - Multiple
Shooters, Many Locations, ENDLESS LIES - Watch

Horrendous Lies About The Horrific Vegas Massacre
MANY Hotels Were Attacked - Lone Shooter TOTAL BS
'What Happens In Las Vegas Stays In Las Vegas' - Watch

Las Vegas Massacre - FBI Docs Reveal Eyewitness Saw
Second Shooter Firing Automatic Weapon Into The Crowd

Vegas Massacre Conspiracy Proof - Two Women Heard
Laughing & Describing The Vegas Op As 'Shooting Fish
In A Barrel'...30 MINUTES BEFORE The Massacre

Jesus Campos Story Morphs Again
Now Says Paddock Shot Him In Leg With A ‘Pellet Gun'

Jeff's YouTube Videos

Jeff & Gary Holland - Those Who Deny People Died
In Vegas Are Either Intel Assets Or Fools

Jeff & Gary Holland - The Campos Scam On Ellen & More

Helicopter Stories - Here

General Stories - Here

Live Fire Videos Proving Multiple Shooters - Here

Rense Photo Analysis - Click Here

Eyewitness Accounts - Here

Jesus Campos Stories - Here

Witnesses Who Have Died Since October 1 - Here

Rense Las Vegas Videos - Here



Jeff With William Mills Tompkins
...Historic Revelations

.. Selected By Extraterrestrials

Jon Stewart & The ET 'Thought Interview'
Smuggled Film From Area 51

David Oates Reverse Speech Analysis
Of Bill Tompkins - WOW!

Bill Tompkins Father's Hollywood Film Background

Bill Tompkins Incredible...
Breathtaking Space 'Flow Chart'

Jeff And Frank Chille In A
Tribute To Bill Tompkins

Book - Selected By Extraterrestrials

Listen As Bill Reveals To Jeff The
Astonishing ET Derived Technology
Of Our Secret Space Program And So
Much More - A Treasury Of Disclosure
From William Mills Tompkins!
Visit The Huge William Mills Tompkins
Archives Which Include All Of His Gripping
Conversations & Enormous Revelations
With Jeff… Click Here!


Jeff With Brothers Mark And Brett
Incredible UFO And ET Encounters

Jeff With Brett And Mark - Program 1
Face-To-Face With A Grey

Hour 1

Hour 2

Jeff With Brett And Mark - Program 2
The Voice Of ET?

Hour 1

Hour 2

Are These The Handprints Of An ET Visitor?

Stunning Audio-Video Clip Of Mark Being Knocked Out And Down...By?

Amazing Photos

Jeff With Brett And Mark - Program 3
More Remarkable UFO-ET Encounters

Hour 1

Hour 2

Hour 3



Jeff With Joe Foster


Jeff and Joe Foster - Hour One

Jeff And Joe Foster - Hour Two

Jeff And Joe Foster - Hour Two

The Mystery Of Bell Labs Super
Tech Breakthroughs

Jeff and Joe Foster - Hour One

Jeff And Joe Foster - Hour Two

Trying To Save The Bell Labs
Holmdel facilities

Pentagon Fails To Capture Data
About Alien Orbs

Joe Foster And Dr. Robert Lucky


Clifford Stone - UFO Revelations


Dr Raymond Keller PhD

Dr. Ray Keller - Flying Saucers And The Venus Legacy

Jeff With Ray Keller - Prof MacDonald & Missing UFO Experiencers 7-19-18

Hour 1

Hour 2

Jeff & Dr. Raymond Keller 7-9-21 Hr 1

Jeff & Dr. Raymond Keller 7-9-21 Hr 2

Lessons Learned From An ET Contactee
The Derenberger Report

Ray's New Book - Lady Columba Venus Revolutions
The Remarkable Story Of Annabell Krebs

- Mormonism And ET Gods
- Are Aliens From Venus Coming Back To Earth?
- Dr. James E. McDonald And The ET Hypothesis
- The Disappearing UFO Experiencers

Alien Messages File

Hour 1 - Dr Ray Keller PhD - The Venus Conspiracy

Hour 2 - Dr Ray Keller PhD - The Venus Conspiracy



Massive Fukushima Extinction
Level Event Underway

Enormous Losses Of Insects And Animals
From Fukushima...And GeoEngineering Worldwide

Jeff and Mitchell Henderson - Latest On The Fukushima Extinction Event

TEPCO Pretends It Isn’t Dumping Radioactive Fukushima
Water In The Pacific - A Million Tons In Rusting Tanks

Fukushima Disaster - TEPCO Nuclear Executives
All Found Not Guilty In Japan - Same Old Story

Tempers Flare Over Fukushima Plan To Dump
Radioactive Water In Ocean - (Like They Haven’t Been Doing So All The Way Along)

Shocker - West Coast Tide Pools Before & After Fukushima

Shimatsu - Fukushima Year 8...Racing To Global
Genocide At The Tokyo Olympics

Tokyo 2020...The Radioactive Olympics Of Death

Fukushima - Japanese Swim Star Hit With Leukemia
2020 Tokyo Radioactive Olympics On Schedule

Insect Collapse - 'We Are Destroying Our Life Support Systems'

The Insect Apocalypse In Here

A giant insect ecosystem is collapsing due to humans.
It's a catastrophe

Where Have All The Insects Gone?

We've Been Warning For Years, Fukushima Radiation
Has Destroyed 75% Of The North American Insects

Fukushima Radiation - Plummeting
Insect Populations Could Ravage Life On Earth

Massive (Fukushima) Die-Offs Around The World
86% Of ALL Insects In German Parks Gone

Catastrophic Losses Of Northern Hemisphere Insects

Vanishing Insects & Birds...Real And Widespread

Scientists Warn Of ‘Ecological Armageddon'

As We Have Warned Since Fukushima - Plummeting
Insect Populations Could Ravage Life On Earth



No Bugs, No Birds!
Read Reports From All
Around US...Your Reports Welcome

Fewer Bugs In Mississippi

A Nighttime Walk without Bugs or Bats - They
Are All Gone And We're At The tipping Point

Photos Showing The Almost Complete Extinction
Of Bugs During 6 Las Vegas To LA Round Trips
Over 3 Months And 4000 Miles…No Car Wash!



Geological & Radiation

Million A Week Club - Your Cumulative Radiation

Russian nuclear firm wins contracts
to Work On Fukushima Cleanup

Long Term Radiation To Japanese Cattle 12 Miles
From Fukushima Daichi - Interesting

NYT Magazine - The Bug And Bird Apocalypse
The Coming Biological Annihilation Of The Planet?

Even After Fukushima Calamity, nuclear energy
stages comeback in Japan

No Good Bugs Left In Upper Peninsula Of Michigan

Fukushima Update 2018 - 'It's All Dead!' - Vid

60 Minutes Australia Feature On Fukushima
Claims Not One Death From Radiation! - Vid

Death Radiation Still Pouring From Fukushima 7yrs On

Million A Week Club - Your Radiation This Week In US

6 and 1/2 Years Later…Japan No Solution To Fukushima
Radioactive Liquid Death Piling Up In Rusting Tanks

Fukushima Radioactive Death Water Grows 150 Tons
A Day And Japan Doesn't Know What To Do With It

Hawaii Hit With 200x More Fukushima Rad That Expected

Japan Fukushima Coverup Hiding And Ignoring
Leukemia, Cancers, Sudden Heart Attacks

We've Been Warning For Years, Fukushima Radiation
Has Destroyed 75% Of The North American Insects

Fukushima Radiation - Plummeting
Insect Populations Could Ravage Life On Earth

Massive (Fukushima) Die-Offs Around The World
86% Of ALL Insects In German Parks Gone

Catastrophic Losses Of Northern Hemisphere Insects

Vanishing Insects & Birds...Real And Widespread

Scientists Warn Of ‘Ecological Armageddon'

As We Have Warned Since Fukushima - Plummeting
Insect Populations Could Ravage Life On Earth



Gary Holland - Overwhelming 5G
Dangers, Mass Mind Control And
The Financial Collapse Of America

The View From Las Vegas - 8-16-24

How 'They' Are Taking Americans Into
Financial Ruin - It’s All Going To Hell

The Kansas City Swifts And The Cult Super Bowl

5G - The Documentary You MUST See - Vid

Utility Companies Warn That 5G for Unlicensed WiFi
Applications Will Threaten Wireless 'Smart' Meters

Danger! 100s Of Respected Scientists Sound 5G Alarm

5G - Scientists Sound Major Alarm Over Dangers From
Completely Untested 5G Networks Going Up NOW

Will 5G Undermine Weather Prediction?

Is 5G Worth The Risks?

5G Rollout And 'Kill Zones' Being Set Up In Big Cities

5G - The Big Picture

China to UK Amid 5G Leak Row...
Don't Discriminate Against Huawei

US cyber officials threaten to stop sharing
information with EU allies over Huawei 5G



Mass Mind Control Over America
All Real, All The Time

Jeff Talks With Dave McGowan About His Dangerous,
Awesome Book - 'Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n Roll' - Listen

How Was It All Done? Read Dave McGowan's Awesome
Book On Laurel Canyon - 'Sex Drugs And Rock 'N Roll'

Mind Wars By Targeted EMF- Electronic Harassment,
ADS, Bio-Effects And The Enormous Cost This Crime - Vid

Your Smart Phone Is A Mass Mind Control Weapon

Mind Control And Targeted Individuals - Vid

5G Is An Israeli Creation Of Mass Mind Control And More Key Companies Involved All Traceable To Israel




Jan Smith - America's
Greatest Morgellons




Your Are Being Controlled By Your TV

More Proof Of Mass Mind Control Through TV & Monitors




The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Click Here To Listen To The Full, Shocking Audiobook





Stunning, Historic JFK Programs
Oates, Marrs & Allgire


JFK Murder Solved By Reverse Speech PART 1
David John Oates, Jim Marrs & Dick Allgire
Click HERE

JFK Murder Solved By Reverse Speech PART 2
David John Oates, Jim Marrs & Dick Allgire
Click HERE

Remote Viewing JFK - Whodunnit?
Jim Marrs
- World's #1 Scholar On JFK Assassination
Dick Allgire - One Of World's Premiere Remote Viewers

12-9-15.. Hour 1 MP3
2-9-15.. Hour 2 MP3

Photos 1 ... Photos 2

1-4-15.. Hour 1 MP3
1-4-15.. Hour 2 MP3

Photos 1...Photos 2

Jim Marrs, Courtney Brown & Remote Viewer Daz Smith - Revealing More Answers To The JFK Murder

12-29-15..Hour 1 MP3
12-29-15..Hour 2 MP3



Remote Viewing The
Death Of Adolf Hitler -
Jeff Rense, Jim Marrs,
Dick Allgire & Harry Cooper

Join Us For Time Travel Back To WW2 Germany And Then Forward To The Final Moments Of The Life Of Adolf Hitler With Remote Viewer Dick Allgire And Historians Jim Marrs and Harry Cooper. A Classic Program!

5-13-16...Hour 1
5-13-16...Hour 2


Dr. Michael Salla PhD

Amazing FOIA Data Backing Up The Bill Tompkins Revelations

12-16-16 .. Hour 1 .. Hour 2

FOIA Files

Flash Frozen Civilization Found In The Antarctic?

On Tompkins & The Navy League
ET Special Projects In Medford OR 1985-1999

6-26-16 .. Hour 1 .. Hour 2

Navy League ET Special Projects From 1985-1999


World Exclusive
John Lenard Walson Spaceships?
Whose? And Structures On The Moon

Incredible Video Of Space Ships Parked In Orbit Above Earth

John Walson Still Frames Of US? Space Ships In Orbit

...John Lenard Walson Part 2 .. Hour 1

6-26-17 ...John Lenard Walson Part 2 .. Hour 2

6-19-17 ..John Lenard Walson & Marcel King/Part 1 .. Hour 1

6-19-17 ..John Lenard Walson & Marcel King/Part 1 .. Hour 2

John Lenard Walson YouTube Channel

John Lenard Walson - LIVE Netcast
Of UFO Spacecraft In Orbit

World Exclusive - Space Vehicles
Imaged By John Lenard Walson

Page 1.... Page 2.... Page 3

Please Help Discover More
Spacecraft In Orbit & Moon Structures!

Eminent Scientists Validating John Lenard Walson's Images

The Mysterious, Amazing Videos Of John Lenard Walson - Vid

Walson Visits The Moon Through His Telescope - Vid

Walson Finds New Lunar Anomalies...Strange - Vid


Herbert Dorsey

Jeff And Herbert Dorsey
German UFOs, Free Energy And New Physics

Herbert Dorsey with Jeff On 5-16-19
UFOs, Free Energy And The New Physics

Hour 1

Hour 2

Tesla And Alexanderson A Century Ahead Of Einstein

Standard Model Of Physics And ECE

Important Websites To Visit

German Flying Saucers - Film & Photos - Jeff Rense

Book - Secret Science & The Secret Space Program

Rense UFO-ET-Black Ops Disclosure!

6-23-16 ..Astonishing Technology & German Flying Saucers ..Pics

6-6-16 ..Secret Science & The Secret Space Program

5-25-16 ..Our Secret Space Fleet

5-24-16 ..The World Is Not As We're Told



The Pickering Bros

The Strange Story Of Richard Continues

2-6-18..Hour 1 MP3
2-6-18..Hour 2 MP3
The Fail Safe Program
1-30-18..Hour 1 MP3
1-30-18..Hour 2 MP3
The Navy Deep Black - Pt 1
1-16-18..Hour 1 MP3
1-16-18..Hour 2 MP3
1-16-18..Hour 3 MP3
Clay Pickering At 2010 Navy League Meeting
SOM 1-01- PDF


Karen Stewart - NSA Whistleblower
GangStalking & Deadly Electronically
Targeted Individual (T.I.)

11-16-16 ....Karen Stewart - NSA Whistleblower, Gang-Stalking Victim pt 1

11-17-16 ....Karen Stewart - NSA Whistleblower, Gang-Stalking Victim pt 2

11-21-16 ....Karen Stewart - NSA Whistleblower, Gang-Stalking Victim pt 3
Hour 1 ....Hour 2


There IS Life After Death And
The Magnificent Thomas Paine


Bedini & Lost Science
John Bedini Passes, November 5, 2016

Genius Nathan Stubblefield - Electricity From The Ground

Bedini - The Myth Of 'Free Electricity'

Audio - Free Listen

April 6, 2009
John Bedini - The Mylow Magnetic Motor Saga

November 2, 2009
John Bedini - The Farce Of Hybrid Cars

September 6, 2006
John Bedini/How Royal Rife's Discoveries Worked
Hour 1
Hour 2
Hour 3

December 4, 2006
John Bedini - Energy From The Vacuum

September 12, 2005
Hour 1 - John Bedini - Unlimited Free Power Direct From The Ground
Hour 2
Hour 3





The True Adolf Hitler

The True History Of Sexualization And Moral
Corruption Of 20th Century German And America

Hitler on Feminism...The Truth - Watch, Consider

The Second WW2 German Jet Fighter - The He-162

Don’t Miss - Hitler Explains Why The
International Banking Cabal Hated Germany

The Most Hated Man In History
Was Also The Most Loved

Eisenhower’s WW2 Death Camps - Don’t Believe It? - Watch

Important History - Understand What Hitler Did To The Usury-Lusting, Greed-Driven Banksters Who Tried to Destroy Germany - How Hitler Threw Them Out And Created Debt-Free Money Which Yielded The Greatest Economic Miracle In History - The Truth - Video

Hitler Lookalike Tours City - Watch The Interesting
Reactions Of The Citizenry - Video

Wyatt Peterson - Tribe Running Out Of Gas?

The German Holocaust The Satanic Vendetta
Against. God's Chosen People - Namely, The
Germans - Here Is The TRUTH - Wake Up

Jeff with Harry Cooper & Jim Marrs
- Hitler In Argentina

AI Recreates An Adolf Hitler Speech - How It
Would Sound And Be Spoken In English - Video

First NYT Article On Adolf Hitler...In 1922
'New Popular Idol Rises In Bavaria'

Enormously Important Unprecedented
Achievements You Weren't Told About
Adolf Hitler - Read The Truth

The Measure Of Greatness - Dr. Wm Pierce

AI Used To Accurately Translate Adolf Hitler's Speeches
Into English - This One Is From January 30, 1939 - It Is
Most Enlightening To Hear His Words In Real Time

Hitler Quotes 'They' Don't Want You to See

Jeff and Harry Cooper - Big News From Hitler's
Secret Argentina Estate - Part 1

Jeff and Harry Cooper - Big News From Hitler's
Secret Argentina Estate - Part 2

Photo Gallery For The Entire Jeff-Harry Program

Germar Rudolf - Author Holocaust Encyclopedia

WW2 Christmas In Christian Germany - The Truth
About Hitler, Kindness And Children - Photos

How They Manipulated Countless WW2 Photos To
Hide The Truth About The Miracle Of Hitler In Germany

Treasury Of Translated Third Reich Books

Adolf Hitler - A Photo Biography
...Photos Take Time To Load

Hitler’s 1936 Olympics Like You've Never Seen

They Lied To You About Hitler - The Most Hated
Man In History Was Also The Most Loved...By
Those Who Lived The Miracles He Achieved

The Christian German Third Reich - Rare Photos

The Most Hated Man In History
Was Also The Most Loved

Adolf Hitler's TRUE Speaking Voice Talking About
The Astounding, Mass Tank Production In The
Soviet UKRAINE Cities Of Donetsk And Kramatorsk
- More

Restored, Colorized 1933 Adolf Hitler Speech
Short 2:00 Minute Video



Hitler In Argentina
Harry Cooper

Sharkhunter Books

Jeff with Harry Cooper & Jim Marrs - Hitler In Argentina - mp3

Hitler In Argentina - Buy The Book Here!

Reviews Of Cooper's 'Hitler In Argentina' Show Truth Wins

Jeff & Harry - Hitler In Argentina - mp3

PHOTOS *for program above*



The Legendary Walter Bowart

Operation Mind Control - Walter Bowart - pdf

Report From Iron Mountain - pdf

The Invisible Third World War - pdf


How You're Being Mind Controlled
And Don't Know It

Walt Disney, MTV & Hollywood & Mind Control - Vid


The Stark Reality Of Precision Scientific Individual & Mass Mind Control

The Hollywood MK Deception Series - Vid

MK-Ultra And The Laurel Canyon Hippies

Hippies And Mind Control - Vid


Mind Control - An Exact Science
FREE Listen MP3

Dr. Colin Ross - Mind Control, How Easy, How Deadly

The Hollywood MK Deception Series - Vid

The Horror Of Satanic Ritual Abuse & Multiples - Pt 1

The Horror Of Satanic Ritual Abuse & Multiples - Pt 2

The Horror Of Satanic Ritual Abuse & Multiples - Pt 3

Ventura - Artificially Created Multiple Personality Killers - Vid

Mind Control - A Piece Of Cake - Vid

Trauma Based Culture - Vid


The Mysterious Charles Dellchau

Incredible Drawings & Descriptions Of 1850s Flying Machines



Listen MP3
Jan Smith/Cliff Mickelson - Shocking New Morgellons Photos - mp3

Morgellons Nanotechnology Exposed

Jan Smith's Morgellons - CDC Says It's 'Delusional Parasitosis'

Elizabeth's Morgellons Samples

Destructive Wiki Editing Keeps Morg Sufferers In Dark

Jeff And Cliff Mickelson - CDC Liars Say Morgellons Doesn't Exist - mp3

Stunning - BLINKING, ILLUMINATED Morgellons Particle Pulled From Chin - Vid

Official CDC Denial - Morgellons Does Not Exist



When Radio Was King

Here Is A Major Collection Of All The Great Old Time Radio Shows - LISTEN!


Must Viewing - Incredibly Important

Jeffrey Smith's 'Genetic Roulette' Full Documentary - Vid


UFOs Frighten Millions
In The 1942 Battle Of LA

Eyewitness Testimony To 'Battle Of LA' Huge UFO

Footage Of UFO Being Fired On In 'Battle Of LA' - Vid

1942 Battle Of LA - Biggest Mass UFO Sighting In History



The Incredible
Ingo Swann

FREE Listen MP3s

1-29-99 Hour 1 - Ingo Swann - Penetration - ET/Human Telephathy

1-29-99 Hour 2 - Ingo Swann - Penetration - ET/Human Telephathy

1-29-99 Hour 3 - Ingo Swann - Penetration - ET/Human Telephathy


3-2-99 Hour 1 Jeff & Ingo - Legendary Remote Viewer

3-2-99 Hour 2 Jeff & Ingo - Legendary Remote Viewer

3-2-99 Hour 3 Jeff & Ingo - Legendary Remote Viewer


2-15-1 Hour 1 Jeff & Ingo - Power & Who Has It

2-15-1 Hour 2 Jeff & Ingo - Power & Who Has It

2-15-1 Hour 3 Jeff & Ingo - Power & Who Has It


2-16-1 Hour 1 Jeff & Ingo - The Secrets Of Power

2-16-1 Hour 2 Jeff & Ingo - The Secrets Of Power

2-16-1 Hour 3 Jeff & Ingo - The Secrets Of Power



More Corn Ethanol...More Harm To Consumers, Environment

E10 Ethanol Gas Destroys Engines...Proof - Vid

E15 Ethanol Gas Even More Destructive Than E10 - Vid


Eustace Mullins

Jeff & Eustace Mullins - WW2...Orchestrated Slaughter - Vid

Jeff & Eustace Mullins - Complete Show (July 21, 2003) - Vid

Jeff & Eustace Mullins - Complete Show (July 31, 2003) - Vid


GM Yellow Corn Equals
Tumors, Cancers & Death

New Study Links GMO Food To Leukemia

Justice Kagan Rules For Monsanto In Farmer GMO Case

Nestle Folds To SA Consumer Pressure Over GMOs



Stop Eating Meat And Dairy

McDonalds Kids Watch Slaughterhouse Videos - Vid


Otherworldly Sky Sounds

Strange, Eerie, Spooky Sky Sounds Are Back
These Were Recored Over Australia On 4-8-23

Those Strange Sky Sounds Are Back
Heard Over Texas 1-1-19
(Before And After Jet Flies OverHead) - Vid

Those Bizarre ‘Apocalypse' Sky Sounds Are Back
This Time In Chile, Scaring People, Animals - Vid

Apocalypse Sky Sounds Back - Terrify Hawaii Locals - Vid

Those Otherworldly, Bizarre Sounds Of Jan 2012 - Vid

A Chronology Of The Eerie, Strange Sounds Of Jan 2012 - Vid

Eerie Sky Sounds Validated By Russian Scientists

Bizarre Noises Over Cambridge, England - Vid



The Incredible Genius Of
Singer-Songwriter Tom Lehrer
70 Years Ago - Video...Enjoy

When You Are Old And Gray (Start at 4:05)

The Wiener Schnitzel Waltz


The Element Song. (Amazing)

My Home Town (Start at 31:25)

I Wanna Go Back To Dixie

The Vatican Rag


The Platters

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (1959) Colorized 4K (Wow)

Only You (1956) AI 8K Colorized Enhanced Stabilized

The Great Pretender (1956) AI 8K Colorized Enhanced

You'll Never Know (1956) 4K UHD

I’m Sorry (1057) AI 5K Colorized

Remember When (1959) BxW Video

Twilight Time (1958) BxW Video

Ebb Tide (1960) (Audio)

My Prayer (1956) (Audio)

Jeff Tribute To Tony Williams - Many Songs

Nice Story About Tony Williams


Johnny Mathis

Chances Are - Vid

It's Not For Me To Say - Vid

Wonderful, Wonderful - Vid

The Twelfth Of Never - Vid


Hollywood's Golden Days

Street Views Of LA In The 1950s - Phenomenal!

Sidewalk, Street Views Of Westwood & Nearby
Neighborhood Streets & Homes - 1940s - Stunning

SoCal - Newport Beach In 1940s - Video

SoCal 1940s In Amazing Color - Video

SoCal Beany's Drive, Long Drive-In 1950s - Video

Driving Wilshire Blvd In Color 1950s - Video

Hollywood Blvd 1957 In Color - Video

1930s Color Film Of Los Angeles - Fascinating

Stunning Collection Of Earliest Known Photos Of
LA Showing Off The Original Old World Buidlngs

Legendary Hollywood Stars & Their Fabulous Cars

A Drive Through LA Of The 1940s

The Last 'Red Car' Ride In LA In April 1961 - Vid

The Great Pacific Electric Red Cars Of LA...
The World's Largest Electric Railway System - Vid

A Drive Through Beverly Hills In The Early 1930s

Wonderful Vintage Hollywood Photos... pdf

Great Vintage Hollywood Photos

Fabulous Hollywood Stars And Their Classic Cars

The Original Hollywood Sign Read Hollywoodland - Pic

Round About Hollywood 1931, Color - Vid

Wonderful Color Photos Of 50s & 60s LA/SoCal - Pics



MARS Mysteries

Mind-Bending NASA Photos Of Mars Surface
Wreckage And Debris Fields - Look Closely...

Jeff's Mars Photos

Frank Jacob's Mars Photos

Unequivocal Proof Of Buildings On Mars

Must See - Life On Mars…Water, Trees, Cities

This Is Mars - 2015

Stunning - The Best Mars Discoveries, Part 2

They've Hidden Entire Mars Cities From Us

Clearly A Intelligently-Designed Relic On Mars

Reaching Mars In A Few Days? Yes! Says NASA

Oh, My - Hidden By NASA - Stunning Structures On Mars

NASA Coverups On Mars Continue - Clear Structures

Explosive Mushroom Cloud On Mars By Indian Orbiter

Encore - Obvious Valve Found By Curiosity On Mars - Vid

Leaked Mars Photos Loaded With Signs Of Life - Vid

Trees On Mars Coverup - Vid

Amazing Photos On Mars 2014 - Vid

Train Wheels, Axle On Mars - Vid

Tomb, Cross, Platform, Relics Found On Mars - Vid

Looks Like NASA Hid Entire Cities On Mars - Vid

Mars' Greatest Mystery

LIFE On Mars - Forests, Lakes, Rivers In Stunning Photos - Pics

Jeff And David Oates FREE Listen Click Here

Fascinating Mars Structures, Cities, Plant Life?

Mars Structure Found - The Real Reason For The US Vendetta Against Gary McKinnon?

Obvious, Unquestionable Tracks On Mars - Object On Track? - Pics

MSNBC Picks Up The Mars Structure Video

Stunning Mars Anomalies 

Mars Life, Water, Vegetation, Anomalies


World's Best

The Ten Most Influential People In The Alternative Media


The Timeless George Carlin
(graphic language)

Carlin - War Culture And The Sham Of Democracy

George Carlin On The Rothschilds - Vid

The Genius George Of Carlin - Vid

George Carlin On NASA Plans For Mars - Vid

George Carlin On Civil Liberties In America - Vid

George Carlin - It's Over - Vid


Robert Hastings

Stunning Navy Pilot Video Of Triangle UFO
Parked On US Aircraft Carrier flight Deck? - Vid

Mind-Boggling Daylight UFO Over Japan From Airliner - Vid

10 UFOs Cavort Above US Nuke Missile Base

Jesse Marcel Jr. - Roswell Eyewitness
FREE Listen - Jeff With Jesse Marcel, Jr

Peter Davenport , Noe Torres & E.J. Wilson - Roswell 2010! - Very Special Guest - Col Jesse Marcel, Jr - MP3

Jesse Marcel Jr. - Veteran, Patriot & Roswell Witness Passes On

Memories Of Jesse Marcel By Kevin Randle

Phoenix Lights Witness Remembers Jesse Marcel, Jr - Fortson

Remembering Jesse Marcel, Jr - Balthaser

Mainstream Media Homage To Jesse Marcel's Passing

Dr. Roger Leir
Astonishing UFO Over Turkey

Roger's Personal Photo Video Analysis Showing ETs

Non-Humans, ETs, Shown Inside Turkey UFO

All Known Videos Of The Turkey UFO

Spectacular Turkey UFO - Information Site

Inarguable - UFOs Zoom In Front Of Argentine
Pilot's Private Plane - Broad Daylight - Vid

Third Government UFO Video Released - Vid

The Military Keeps Encountering UFOs. Why Doesn't the Pentagon Care? Vid

Deconstructing A 1950 UFO Fake

Scientist Says He?ll Prove NASA Coverup Of
ET Life On Mars With Bombshell Report

Mr. President - Start Tweeting About UFOs,
Now...Before It?s Too Late

Department of Defense UFO Program
Luis Elizondo and The Chain of Custody

What UFOs Can Tell Us About Fake News

Why Top UFO Researchers Chose
Tom DeLonge As Their Mouthpiece

'Aliens Over Milwaukee' - Bizarre Moving
Lights Seen in US Skies - Vid

Nixon Wanted To End The UFO-ET Coverup And Left
A Secret Letter Hidden Deep Beneath The White House

Yorkshire UFO Crash Mystery Solved

UFOs And Space Time Metric Engineering - Vid

UFOs Invaded The Tri-State - 1963

Iran Reports Of 'UFO Dogfights' Over Nuke Complex

Navy Pilot, Who Chased A UFO, Says
‘We Should Take Them Seriously'

O'Hare UFO Eye Witness Appears In
Silhouette on CNN - Vid (Redux)



Dennis Wise Astonishing Documentaries

The Greatest Story Never Told - By Dennis Wise

This Brilliant Film Can Be Seen At The Following Links

Greatest Story Never Told - Link 1

Greatest Story Never Told - Link 2

Greatest Story Never Told - Link 3

Greatest Story Never Told - Link 4

And His New Film

Communism By The Back Door by Dennis Wise

Communism By The Back Door - Link 1

Communism By The Back Door - Link 2

Communism By The Back Door - Link 3

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All Contents Copyright ©2024 Jeff Rense
Jeff Rense- Editor in Chief